Plus... a Tango!

Plus... a Tango!

Albertina Crescitelli & Vladimir Tsypin

Albertina met Vladimir Tsypin, the leading violinist of the New York Philharmonic during International Summer Festival Theodor Leschetitzky in Vienna, Austria in the beginning of the millennia. They were amazed at each other’s musical temperament and decided to form a violin-piano duet. They called it Plus… a Tango!, because both of them loved the depth and the passion of an Argentinian tango and Albertina (argentinian by birth) is a recognized authority on tango style, as a performer, arranger and composer.

Their repertoire range from baroque to classical, romantic and modern music. The duo always program a tango at the end, with original arrangements made by the pianist.  

Albertina and Vladimir tour Europe and Americas, while maintaining successful individual careers.

Albertina Crescitelli with Vladimir Tsypin
Albertina Crescitelli

Albertina Crescitelli

Piano | Musical Arrangements | Composition